A guide to finding the best car for your family

A car is an indispensable tool in helping to ease the chaos and stress of family life. With a car, you can drop one child off at football practice, the other at their ballet class, before filling your boot up with the weekly supermarket shop, all in the same journey. Additionally, owning a car could prove to be a huge investment as the 2020 coronavirus pandemic continues, as you and your family avoid relying on inconsistent and often overcrowded public transport. Read on for a guide to finding the best car for your family.

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The Mummy Fever Guide to the Best Large Family Cars: The Mitsubishi Outlander

Outlander review

Thinking back to when we expanded our family to a family of six, we were on the look out for a bigger car! We obviously needed a seat for everyone but also needed space for a pushchair and all the other paraphernalia that comes with having four children…including a guitar played by our eldest.

Here’s part one of our hunt for a suitable family car, the Mitsubishi Outlander.

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