The “helpful” toddler


Toddlers love to help. I have two little helpers who love the vacuum cleaner, polishing, dusting, wiping and sorting out washing and drying. My two little shadows watch me doing things and the little chorus comes “can we help you Mummy?”. Most of the time they are really great at all this stuff and we […]

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Disinfecting the natural way

Disinfecting like most parents, is something I do on a regular basis. As well as the normal keeping things clean type of disinfecting and wiping down toys etc that I do on a continuous basis;  if anyone is sick, I always feel as if I have to do a massive clean and I disinfect everything […]

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A guide to picking a new shower

Showers are changing and improving all the time. So, if you haven’t upgraded yours for years, it might be time to do so. Here are some things to take into consideration. Choose the Type of Shower You have to think about the style and the practical considerations of the shower you buy. If you want […]

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