Family Festival Essentials


This week we are heading to Camp Bestival. It’s the first time for us so I’ve been doing a spot of reading up and having a really good think about what our essential items might be. I can’t decide if I am going to return from four days at Camp Bestival completely zen, or having […]

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Keeping toys clean

keeping toys clean

Trying to keep children’s toys clean can be really hard work. The toys I find the hardest to clean tend to be bath toys as they get grubby really quickly and the squirty toys are especially hard to keep clean, as they can quickly get full of black, gungy grime. Making sure that you squirt […]

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Disinfecting the natural way

Disinfecting like most parents, is something I do on a regular basis. As well as the normal keeping things clean type of disinfecting and wiping down toys etc that I do on a continuous basis;  if anyone is sick, I always feel as if I have to do a massive clean and I disinfect everything […]

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Dealing with stubborn stains

You may have read some of my articles recently on stain removal techniques. We’ve looked at stubborn food stains; household stains like paint and ink; and make up stains. Whatever techniques we adopt, there will always be some stains that are really stubborn and require a bit more effort . For me, the worst stains […]

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