Driving Instructor Explores Most Common Driving Test Faults

learning to drive

Taking a driving test becomes a memorable experience for many – sometimes for positive reasons and sometimes, unfortunately, not. It’s a life event that’s often accompanied by considerable stress, but in a bid to reduce this anxiety, Regtransfers, a provider of personalised number plates, partners with Sophie Stuchfield, a driving instructor with 15 years of experience teaching students. Known online as @TheOnlineDrivingInstructor, Sophie provides her insights into the most common faults seen in the UK’s driving tests over the last decade.

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Typical Causes of Road Accidents 

driving accidents

Drivers are typically conscientious about traffic rules and road safety. After all, they won’t receive their driver’s licence if they don’t pass the stringent examination and practical driving requirements. However, on the road, drivers know that circumstances can change easily, even if they’re doing everything by the book. Accidents happen in the blink of an eye, and people have to be ready to react accordingly to save life and limb. 

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