‘Baby food’ for bigger kids

little bistro

Feeding children can either be utterly satisfying or completely soul destroying. There is nothing more lovely than preparing a meal from scratch and watching your family devour it before your eyes. It’s one of those moments that makes you feel as if you are winning at parenting. You’ve cooked a nutritious meal with delicious, healthy […]

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Coping with anaemia in children

dealing with anaemia

If you suspect your child has anaemia, get a proper diagnosis from a doctor before you begin treatment. Anaemia can be temporary or chronic, mild or life-threatening. It has many causes, and treatment depends on cause. Once your child has been diagnosed, there are many steps you can take to restore iron to their system […]

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Out and about with Mamia

beach life

Having children can feel like a constant challenge, we try to cram in so much and tick so many boxes that sometimes time simple runs away with us. Childhood itself is filled with so many magical moments, especially when your children become increasingly physically active and start to enjoy the great outdoors, becoming aware of […]

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