Arthur and Nina, created the online store Getpotted in 2016 – Here is what they said about their garden products.
Blitzing your garden: getting the whole family involved
When the weather is nice, or even just dry, getting everyone outside, working together to blitz the garden can be both productive and lots of fun. Here are a few ideas.
Best ways you can upgrade your outdoor area in 2019
Your outdoor space has a lot of potential. If you haven’t started maximising the use of your outdoor area, you’re definitely missing out on a lot of things. To start your home improvement project, think about what you wish to achieve.
6 ways to get your children involved in gardening
Gardening is an excellent way to teach your little ones some new practical skills, as well as boosting their immune system and giving them some extra sunlight after school.
Making a garden that’s safe for all ages
Ready to introduce your little one to the great outdoors? It’s a very respectable thing to do as a parent, but it’s also risky – younger children aren’t developed enough to avoid the dangers of a garden, or even to know what those dangers actually are in the first place. Thanks to Fylde Grass, we’ve been able to put together a brief guide on making a garden that’s safe for all ages.
Family fun with National Children’s Gardening week
Are your children fans of the garden? We’ve been spending a lot of time in the garden lately thanks to the lovely weather we’ve been having. Families can make the most of the good weather this school half term, by getting involved in all the fun of National Children’s Gardening week. That’s right, there’s even an […]
5 benefits of rubbish removal from your outside space
Is there outdoor waste and other rubbish in your garden? Broken lawn furniture? The kids’ old swing set? Old tyres you took off the car but never took to the recycling centre? Who knows what’s hiding under that rolled up carpet lying in your garden that you took out of your bedroom after the toilet […]
Guest Post – How To Maintain Garden Furniture
Bio: This post was written by The Garden Furniture & Interiors Co. who supply a wide range of high-quality garden furniture from leading brands and respected manufacturers. Your garden furniture is vulnerable to weather, rust, rot, UV rays, dirt, ageing, and dust, so you need to care for and maintain it. Whether you have metal, […]