How much do you know about your pelvic floor? Firstly, in order to tackle pelvic floor issues, you will need to know what the pelvic floor actually is. Pelvic floor muscles are the layer of muscles that support the pelvic organs and span the bottom of the pelvis. The pelvic organs are the bladder and bowel in […]
Prevention tips for avoiding bugs
No one likes getting sick, especially when you’ve got a family to take care of. Whether your little ones end up under the weather, or you’re trying to deal with family life while nursing the mother of all headaches, trying to live your life when someone is sick can be a complete and total nightmare. […]
Stem Cells: what are they and why are they important?
Twelve years ago when I was pregnant with my first child I remember being given a leaflet about Stem Cell collection at a baby show. I had no idea what it was about really, just that it was an expensive process. The leaflet went in the recycling and that was that. I don’t know anyone who […]
Should Smokers Be Encouraged To Vape?
I’ve never smoked. It’s something I feel very strongly about. It killed all four of my grandparents, three of whom were dead by the time I was ten. I’m the person who will cross the street to avoid a smoker and I actively protect my family from smoky environments. Around 17% of adults in the […]