Something I realised very quickly when I became a mama was that the role comes with worry and stress. Like, constant. There are tons of stressful situations I’ve been in over the years with the children, but by far the most stressful is if one of them has needed to go to hospital, or generally just been unwell. I hate it and I hate not being able to instantly fix it.
Motherhood without a manual
There’s no motherhood manual. Maybe you learn what you think you should do from watching others, from the way your were parented by your own mother, or other mother figure. Maybe you read books, or watch Supernanny even. I once knew someone who read Gina Ford and became an instant expert on all things baby – for about five minutes of motherhood.
Are you a mum looking for a hobby?
Ask most mums what they like to do in their spare time and most will say “what spare time?”, they may laugh or snigger or just roll their eyes – I know I have in the past when people have asked me.
*Guest Article*: Five steps to improve your mental health in motherhood
Dr Carla Runchman is a Clinical Psychologist, mum of one, founder of Mama Diary and author of ‘Mama Notes’, a notebook for the first 12 weeks of motherhood to help mums focus on their emotional well-being. Together with space to make notes on newborn essentials such as feeding and nappies, each week has a well-being focus with ideas or activities to try, and journal pages with prompts to help you reflect on the important moments of these early weeks.
Parent like no one is watching (even if EVERYONE is)
I don’t think that anyone can ever be a perfect parent and I don’t believe in parenting experts. What I do believe though, is that as parents we become experts in our own children. That doesn’t mean we don’t get it wrong, hell, we get it wrong all the time, it just means we know our children best.
“Are they all yours?”
When I became pregnant with my fourth child I discovered very quickly that complete strangers were not shy in making a range of (mainly negative) comments.
Perceptions are strange things
Perceptions I find, can be strange things.
We are all guilty no doubt of having a perception of someone that turned out to be so inaccurate you feel embarrassed and a little stupid for missing the reality.
4 Key Skills to Help You Flourish at Work
Having a job alongside being a mother can be hard work, even if it is one of your proudest achievements in life. Despite the pressures of home and your job, that doesn’t mean you can’t succeed to be the best you can in your workplace. The juggle is real people! It may take time, patience, […]