I’ve been skiing since I was five years old, that’s a long time! Despite my love of horses from a young age, skiing is my ultimate passion, obsession perhaps, and I regularly dream of the white stuff. I never expected to lose this passion when I became a mother, but I do have to admit […]
The positive benefits of the great outdoors on children’s behaviour
Many years ago, several years before I became a parent, I worked with young offenders. Two girls and around ten boys. Their offences ranged from the occasional spot of shoplifting to setting buildings on fire and assault. It was the kind of job that meant I spent 80% of my time banging my head against […]
How to survive in a remote region
I’ve always had quite a fascination for remote areas and wondered how it would be living in a remote region. I’ve always loved being in the countryside and have always felt most at home in the mountains. I love a good view, and if there is a high chance of snow during the winter months […]