Becoming the Ultimate Mumfluencer: What You Need to Know

how to become a mumfluencer

Everyone has heard of influencers. It is hard to escape their appeal in the modern era, but there is also a unique category of influential profiles on social media taking centre stage in the form of mums. Parents flock to social media to get tips and advice, have a rant, or share about their lives and children’s special moments. While it is of the utmost importance to respect the young one’s privacy, there is a lot you can do to become a mumfluencer in your own right and build a reliable following. It often leads to a reliable source of income too, and lots of people learn how to do it well so that they can become a professional. Here’s what you need to know.

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The Rucksack Mama

The Rucksack Mama

Years ago before I had children I recall looking at mums out and about with their children and thinking that there appeared to be different ‘types’ of mums. There would be the ones who didn’t look like they’d ever had a baby, perfect hair, perfect nails, heels, sunglasses, oversized handbag, posh coffee in one hand […]

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When you aren’t Supermum


Being a mum is a tough job, there is no disputing that. What is even tougher, is being a mum who holds strong convictions on how to raise her children, work, as well as do all the chores at home. Parenting is one of the most rewarding things out there, but even the ideal multitasking, […]

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Feeding little people

frozen kids meals

Ten years ago I had a two month old baby, my first baby, and I had just about got the hang of breastfeeding. I was trying to navigate my way through early motherhood and trying to ensure I did the best for my baby at every stage. I’d spent the two weeks I went overdue […]

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