I love taking photos. I especially love taking photos of my family. I think it’s so important to preserve all the memories. Not just the big things, but the every day moments as well. It’s a way of preserving memories.
It’s personal — 5 firms that make cute customised family gifts
Technology and internet access has brought customisation to the masses over the past few years — so it’s no wonder that many formerly unique products don’t feel as special as they used to. Having your family’s faces and names emblazoned across every household and clothing item smacks of megalomania — but a select few personalised […]
Sharing and preserving memories with Lifecake
As parents we say it all the time – we don’t know where the time goes, they grow so fast, how are they already 2, 3, 4…11 – it goes on and on. Time seems to disappear before our eyes as they whizz past important milestones. How many times have you wanted to press the […]