As children get older and they spend more time out on their own or with friends, it can be an anxious time for parents . Not only are you having to come to terms with your child having more freedom, but also trying to remind them how to keep themselves and their belongings safe, without […]
Driving with a newborn: some of the do’s and don’ts
When you’ve had a baby you can’t leave hospital without a child car seat. Obviously I think that is vital BUT the part I’ve never got is that whilst staff watch you leave with your baby in the baby car seat, at no point does anyone check you’ve fitted it in the car correctly! I […]
Safety points to think about when hiking
We love a good hike. You can’t beat getting everyone out and walking and we are fortunate to have plenty of places to do that very close by. Hiking is great, but it can also be tricky if you don’t follow some safety rules. So if you’re new to this, it’s good to be prepared […]