Discover the Ultimate Sensory Play with So Slime Sensations Sugary Crush

so slime sensations

In the vibrant world of children’s toys, few products captivate and engage as effectively as So Slime Sensations Sugary Crush. This innovative line is designed to offer children a unique sensory play experience, blending vibrant colours, diverse textures, and satisfying ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) effects. With So Slime Sensations, kids can dive into a world of creativity, mixing, squishing, and stretching various compounds to create personalised, sensory-rich slime.

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Stocking filler ideas from Zimpli

stocking fillers

I always think stockings are such fun. They’ve always been my favourite part of Christmas Day morning.  I loved opening stockings as a child, seeing what Santa had left for everyone. These days it’s still such a fun part of Christmas morning. The children read out their letters from the elves who have helped pack […]

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Noisy play: learning to make music

musical toys

Music is one of those things that seems to bring people together. You only have to see the effect a particular song or ‘anthem’ has on people, or the big benefit concerts we’ve seen around the world, to know that something magical happens when music is played. All our children seem to be really musical, […]

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The benefits of snow play

snow slide

We’ve loved the pre-Christmas snow, as well as the bit we had between Christmas and New Year. It’s all gone here now but we really made the most of it while it lasted. Did you have much snow? The children are all real snow babies and we all love being in the mountains skiing and […]

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Easy, inspired, tactile, durable play in a box

construction toys

Construction toys Construction toys are a firm favourite in our house, always have been. The children all love to build things. It might be a tower, a plane, a boat, a car, anything really, but they love to build. Although LEGO is a firm favourite of the older children, we did have a small LEGO […]

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The benefits of bubble play

blowing bubbles

Bubbles – what is it about them? Children of all ages go crazy for bubbles don’t they? They can chase them for hours on end and it is a real sensory experience. Bubble play is something all our children have always enjoyed, from babies, to toddlers and older children, bubbles always have a positive effect. […]

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Rainy day play


When the weather is bad and you don’t fancy getting your waterproofs on and heading out anyway, it can be helpful to have a list of rainy day play options to hand. Things to have in that you can whip out to keep the troops happy. Baking and crafting are always top of the children’s […]

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