With busy routines, family life and workload, we tend to get a little tired and exhausted sometimes. This feeling of extreme tiredness is called exhaustion. There are several reasons behind this feeling, such as, sleep deprivation, sudden change in routine, or any stress-related problem. To a certain degree, exhaustion can be manageable but when it starts disrupting our daily routine then it becomes an alarming situation that needs immediate attention. It can affect your health and safety and shake you to the core.
5 Tips For When Your Baby Won’t Sleep
After four children I can honestly say that one of the things I was not prepared for was how little sleep I would get as a parent. I mean, don’t get me wrong, at no point did I ever think it would be easy being a parent, not in the slightest.
Preparing your child’s bedroom for the lighter evenings
Do you have blackout blinds in your childs room? Do you find they help them to sleep during the summer months? Given the dark nights and dark mornings at the moment, it might seem odd to be talking about installing blackout blinds, but actually the Winter is an ideal time to install these, as it […]
Sleep debt: How much sleep are you owed?
Lack of sleep is something so many parents are familiar with. Sleep deprivation is a killer isn’t it? I mean actual torture! Being sleep deprived is not just about feeling a bit tired, it’s way more than that as any parent will well know. I’m firmly in the camp of people who thinks that unless you are […]
Night feeding: A survival guide
Night feeds are often one of the things new parents struggle with the most. I’ve heard some parents say that they share these with their partner, but the bulk of these often fall to mummies, especially if you are breastfeeding. I did all the night feeds with all four children. At ten months my youngest […]
Confessions of sleep deprived parents
Sleep deprivation is a killer isn’t it? I mean actual torture! Being sleep deprived is not just about feeling a bit tired, it’s way more than that as any parent will well know. New parents will steal just four hours and 44 minutes of sleep in an average night during the first year of their […]
Sleep training your baby: have you tried it?
Sleep. It’s a naughty word in our house to be honest. Mainly because in the last 11 years I’ve not had that much of it. To say I get irritated when other parents gloat about their babies and children who have been sleeping through since they left the womb would be an understatement. We’ve always […]
Addressing the energy crash: when is your ‘low’ point of the day?
As parents we are no strangers to being tired. It’s not even tiredness a lot of the time is it? More like utter exhaustion. This exhaustion can affect the way you go about your day. It affects concentration, how you eat and drink and the way your body physically feels, not to mention your mood. […]