Little green fingers: part seven

If you have been following our ‘little green fingers’ series then you will know that this school term we have been part of a gardening club at school. One afternoon per week I have been taking the babies and meeting up with the big kids and we’ve been getting busy in the gardens at school. […]

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Fitness goals

There has been a bit of a fitness theme on the blog lately, inspired by my recent marathon and also the new mums fitness campaign that Kiddicare are are supporting. Everyone’s fitness goals are different and I recently outlined my own here. Taking the plunge and getting started can be difficult, but what if you […]

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Children’s parties on a budget

Children’s birthday parties can be very costly, particularly when you have children whose birthdays are close together. They don’t have to be super expensive though, and there are lots of ways you can look to reduce costs. Have joint parties with other family members Have a joint party with a school friend Do a cinema […]

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Free from improvements

Living a life ‘free from’ something isn’t always straight forward. Whether it is free from wheat, gluten, dairy, sugar, egg, nuts, all of these things, or something else entirely it can sometimes be a bore. Each year for the last 12 years since I had to stop eating wheat I have gradually watched things improve, […]

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Easy gift buying for children

Most of the time I find the children quite easy to buy for. Often they will ask for something specific which obviously helps, but because they have such varied interests I can normally find a good selection of things for birthdays and Christmas. Buying for other children isn’t always so simple of course, especially if […]

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