Travelling long haul with children can be challenging and unpredictable. Sometimes we can prepare for every eventuality and still it feels as if everything goes wrong. Other times, you plan for weeks in advance of your trip, trying to anticipate everything and the little darlings totally surprise you. We’ve had good and bad experiences with […]
Your daughter’s first period: tips to prepare her
So, mums out there, who remembers their first period? Do you remember where your were, if your were prepared, if it caught you by surprise and who was there for you to talk to about it? I remember mine, and I remember it was a Sunday, and I was 11, and feeling grateful I wasn’t […]
Milestone Myths: what should babies do when?
From the moment we become parents we are met with comments from friends, family, professionals and random strangers regarding their views of our babies and their milestones. Little Johnny and Jemima should be smiling, sleeping through the night, rolling over, sitting up, eating solids, walking and talking by x weeks or months, otherwise it’s not […]
Why is motherhood so undervalued?
Motherhood is awesome. I feel very lucky and privileged to be a mother and every time I hear cries of “Mum” or “Mummy” I am reminded of how lucky I am. It’s not a role I take for granted. I am acutely aware that there are many women who would love to be mothers and […]
The positive benefits of the great outdoors on children’s behaviour
Many years ago, several years before I became a parent, I worked with young offenders. Two girls and around ten boys. Their offences ranged from the occasional spot of shoplifting to setting buildings on fire and assault. It was the kind of job that meant I spent 80% of my time banging my head against […]
Sharing and preserving memories with Lifecake
As parents we say it all the time – we don’t know where the time goes, they grow so fast, how are they already 2, 3, 4…11 – it goes on and on. Time seems to disappear before our eyes as they whizz past important milestones. How many times have you wanted to press the […]
Parenting: the ridiculous moments
Parenting can be a complicated gig at times. We know as parents the exhausting moments, the funny moments, the amazing precious moments, the proud moments and so on – but do you ever catch yourself doing something as a parent and think “how did it get to this?” Or, “what on earth am I doing?” […]
No dull days: the importance of vitamin D
What’s that phrase? Never a dull moment? When you become a parent that really starts to ring true. There is always something going on, you are always on the go, dashing around, busy busy. Then when your children get a bit older and start to get involved in activities and develop their own interests, all […]