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School uniform strategies

school uniform

Before the summer term of the last school year even ended I saw ‘back to school’ stuff in the shops. For a few years I did what lots of people do and started getting back to school things about halfway through the summer holidays, giving me plenty of time to label them and wash and […]

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Choosing a high school


Moving onto the next stage of their education can be a daunting process for both children and their parents. This can also be a really exciting time however, and with some careful planning and organisation, lots of talking to your children and more importantly lots of listening on your part, the process doesn’t have to […]

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The school yard

There is a lot to be learnt from watching what happens on the school yard. Of course you can observe different teaching styles and different behaviour of children, but have you ever stood back and observed the other adults? I say adults and not mums very deliberately, as although it is largely mums at our […]

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My toddler is a back seat driver

I have been quietly amused by how vocal our toddler is when I’m driving for sometime now. The last couple of weeks however have seen him take it up a gear…or three. His favourite thing to do is to shout very loudly at me at a roundabout “Go Go Mummy”and this continues until I pull […]

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