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Summer Party Wear From Femme Luxe

chain mail top femme luxe

As much as I love Autumn, I must admit that it is really lovely to still have some warm weather around, much like this time last year. My memories popped up from the first week of September last year and we were having a BBQ and had the paddling pool out still! I know lots of people that have packed away their summer outfits and already got the warm jumpers and Halloween decorations out!

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One day…

One day I will have a tidy house. One day I will sleep for 8 uninterrupted hours per night. One day I will be able to shop on my own at my leisure. One day I will be able to go to the toilet on my own. One day I will not have to pick food up […]

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Top 20 parental stress triggers

parental stress

As amazing as being a parent can be, we know that parenting can also be incredibly stressful at times. Are there particular situations you find yourself in as a parent that you experience as especially stressful? Do you know what your stress triggers are? Have they changed over time? Getting children to bed, doing the […]

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