The rise of the threenager


The run up to the recent third birthday in our house was pretty full on. Three, it seems is a rather special age, full of change, possibility, new skills and superpowers. Three is a big deal. Back at two and a half the planning began for being three, and it went a bit like this: […]

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A shock to the system

being late

Last night my youngest little man (now 22 months) slept through the night for the first time…in his own bed! Great right? Hmmmm…. On the surface, yes it should have been great. I slept in my own bed, all night, didn’t have to get out of bed for anyone in the night. Woke up and […]

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Making an ocean collage


With the summer holidays just around the corner many of us are hoping for some sunshine. It seems to have been rather illusive this week though, and it was actually quite chilly here for a couple of days. It’s been a wet week for us but to brighten things up we thought we would make […]

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The new playground craze: part two

Num Noms Unboxing

Back in March of this year we introduced you to Num Noms, now Num Noms Series 2 has been released. The deliciously smelling, sell out, collectable toys are back with brand new scents including savoury flavours such as Becca Bacon, Margo Rita and Hammy Burger, complete with a frying pan! With even more characters to add […]

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