Cleaning isn’t something many of us get excited about. Often, we like things to look and smell clean but object to the amount of time it takes us to get that ‘clean’ state, and the amount of time this takes away from doing other things we want and need to do. Some get around this […]
Can green clean?
What is your approach to washing up? Do you wash by hand or have a dishwasher? If you wash by hand, do you have a set washing up liquid that you buy or do you just buy whatever is on offer? We do have a dishwasher but there are quite a few things that we […]
Preserving memories: part four
You might have been reading our recent series of articles on preserving Memories. If you missed them you can read part one here, part two here and part three here. With Father’s Day fast approaching you might want to start thinking about gift ideas for the dads in your life. I think photo gifts make lovely […]
Getting a pet for your child: The how NOT to guide
When the big kids were three and four we bought a goldfish as a little pet. He didn’t last long. He swam around a few thousand times and that was about all. I had rabbits and hamsters mainly when I was little and I loved them. So after the fish was no more, I had […]
The excitement of a new look blog
So…it is finally live, my lovely new look blog. It is a huge improvement on the previous one and much more easy to navigate. It has been a long time coming with too few hours in the day to do everything but it is finally here! Hooray! There are still a few things to fiddle […]
Relaxing family evenings
Do you enjoy a good chillax? We love family movie nights and relaxing together. The big kids love to get the popcorn out and we have hot chocolate and marshmallows or they use their slushie cups to create their favourite slushies. I hope that as the little ones get older we will all enjoy many […]
Money saving tips for families: part seven
Part seven of our ‘money saving tips for families’ features looks at all those unused toiletries we all have in the cupboards, cabinets and draws. Who out there is guilty of buying things when you see them, using them a few times and then adding them to the cupboard? Do you have lots of half used items that […]