Many think that one of the most crucial instruments in any woman’s fashion ensemble is a handbag. For the longest time, handbags have become a part of every woman’s outfit so much that they are almost inseparable. I’m more about the mum bag myself!
Do you need a little magic in your wardrobe?
How’s your wardrobe looking so far this year? Is it time for a clearout? There’s nothing worse than having a wardrobe full of stuff that you never wear – why not have a de-clutter? It not only makes you feel better, but it’s much easier to see what you actually have in your wardrobe to wear.
Boys in leggings?
So, boys and leggings – what is your view? Cool or catastrophic? My first experience of boys in leggings or tights was when my brother was very small and we used to go on skiing holidays. My grandmother had this brain wave that rather than try to battle with thermal trousers and socks that thermal […]