An alternative family portrait for your home

family portraits

Have you ever considered a family portrait for your home? I love family photos, but prefer natural, un-posed and preferably outdoor photos over posed family shots where everyone wears the same white t-shirt and jeans. We’ve had some stunning outdoor photo shoots over the years, where a local photographer has taken fabulous images of all […]

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Down at the farm: learning through play

BRIO farm

Have you visited a farm with your children? We had a lovely playgroup trip last Easter to see some newborn chicks, which the children loved. We’ve also had some lovely days out at farm parks over the years too. Visiting a farm with young children can be lots of fun. There are so many things […]

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Gifts for men: a few thoughts

Geronimo Festival

Buying for men can be hard work sometimes. When I was a child I remember my mum always struggling to decide what she was going to buy for both my dad and hers at birthdays and Christmas. I used to think surely it can’t be that hard, turns out it’s pretty tricky. What do you […]

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