How do you go about choosing gifts for you family members and friends? Do you go overboard or are you more reserved with your gift-giving? Perhaps you take part in Secret Santa at work, or even with family if there are a lot of you.
An alternative family portrait for your home
Have you ever considered a family portrait for your home? I love family photos, but prefer natural, un-posed and preferably outdoor photos over posed family shots where everyone wears the same white t-shirt and jeans. We’ve had some stunning outdoor photo shoots over the years, where a local photographer has taken fabulous images of all […]
Great Gift Ideas for New Mums
When you’re looking for the perfect gift for a friend who has recently given birth, it’s common to focus on gifts for the baby. However, if you really want to get her something she’ll appreciate, why not buy something purely for mum?
Planet-hugging plates and things: jazzing up little meal times
I love children’s plate and cutlery sets. There are so many cute little sets out there, I’ll be a little sad when our kitchen cupboards aren’t full of them anymore.
Down at the farm: learning through play
Have you visited a farm with your children? We had a lovely playgroup trip last Easter to see some newborn chicks, which the children loved. We’ve also had some lovely days out at farm parks over the years too. Visiting a farm with young children can be lots of fun. There are so many things […]
Gifts for men: a few thoughts
Buying for men can be hard work sometimes. When I was a child I remember my mum always struggling to decide what she was going to buy for both my dad and hers at birthdays and Christmas. I used to think surely it can’t be that hard, turns out it’s pretty tricky. What do you […]
Encouraging budding artists: a few thoughts
Do you have any budding little artists? I love to watch children draw and to see what they create. I also love that moment when you ask what it is and they respond with something really complex. You need to perfect that thing when you tilt the paper to one side, close one eye and […]
Seasonal gifting: have you considered jewellery?
With Mother’s Day this weekend many people are looking for gift ideas. I think the approach to gift-giving on Mother’s Day varies hugely. Some people seem to go for the standard flowers and chocolates, some enjoy meals out, some purchase quite elaborate gifts and others prefer to go down the handmade route. Which approach do […]