Holidays aren’t just for summer; for as long as people have been taking vacations, those who’ve been able to do so have gone on winter holidays. Let’s be honest, there are few things winter holidaymakers like to do more than hit the slopes between December to February. However, while that may sound just the ticket […]
10 healthy spine trips for summer travel
Holidays are usually meant to be relaxing, but traveling can cause increased stress on the body, and ultimately be a pain in the neck – quite literally! The seats in airplanes, cars, trains, and buses are not always the most comfortable. With 80% of Americans suffering from back pain, and around 10 million Brits suffering daily […]
5 ways to put a ‘spring’ in your step
According to a survey by One Poll, 41% of us find that the long, dark evenings, leave us feeling sluggish. The long winter months can sometimes feel like they are going on forever. We’ve had snow in spring for goodness sake! It’s not just the weather that does this to us, sometimes everyday life pressures […]
How much sugar should you really be giving your children?
No matter how hard you look, you’ll probably struggle to find a child that doesn’t have a sweet tooth. While a sweet tooth doesn’t necessarily mean that your child is consuming too much sugar, it’s important to be mindful of just how much you include in their everyday diet. Research has found that each year […]
Dealing with skin tags
What are skin tags? Skin tags are small, soft, skin-coloured growths that hang off the skin and look a bit like warts. They’re very common, harmless, and can vary in colour and size – from a few millimetres up to 5cm (about 2 inches) wide. Skin tags are usually found on the neck, armpits, around the groin, or under the breasts. […]
Beauty issues: is stress the main culprit?
In today’s fast-paced life, stress is our main enemy. We are expected to be the best in our work as well as our home life; in short, we have to multi-task at every level. Handling stress well is not everybody’s cup of tea and unfortunately, it may spiral out of control. If that happens, then […]
Back pain during and after pregnancy
Anyone out there suffered with back pain during and/or after pregnancy? Perhaps you’ve had that hideous sciatic pain as well? It can be really tough going for some people and quite debilitating. A common problem Lower back pain is one of the most common conditions during pregnancy, yet whilst symptoms often improve after delivery of […]
Kick-starting January
The New Year can leave you feeling a little ‘hungover’. I don’t just mean from new year drinking, although of course for some people that’s the case. I mean in general from a busy December and life in general. We often have lots of plans for the New Year. Some people want to make changes, […]