Learning to self-feed

Watching children grow and change and develop new skills is one of the really exciting things about being a parent. The rate at which these changes happen can be quite spectacular. Our smallest little man had his eight month check recently and it was a great reminder of all the amazing things he can now […]

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Cooking confessions

I love cooking. I don’t get much time to cook for pleasure, so it is often more of a functional thing, but one day I will have time to do that. I loved cooking and baking as a child, and any opportunity to be the kitchen, I was there. I baked a lot with my […]

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Better with cake

Cake is not something I am personally big on as I don’t eat wheat but I enjoy making them with the children and buying them for everyone else. With it being the Easter school holidays we kick started it with lots of baking…mostly Easter related. The children all love cooking in general but they especially […]

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Boosting children’s health and development

As much as I am fortunate that my children all eat a balanced diet and a variety of fruits and vegetables I am still a big fan of supplements. Supplements are just that…they should ‘supplement’ a good, balanced diet, not act as a filler for something that is not present in the diet. I have […]

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