Learning about animals: a multifaceted approach

learning about animals

How do you teach your children about animals?

Perhaps you have pets, or visit your local zoo or wildlife park? Perhaps you read about them, watch nature programmes or play with toy animals? Perhaps you are lucky enough to live around a range of animals, or perhaps you’ve taken your children on trips away and seen animals you wouldn’t normally find at home?

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Helping with homework

Homework – whether your children love or loathe it, most of them have it and it can start coming thick and fast at quite an early age. One of the things we can do as parents to help with homework and ease any pressure children might feel is to equip them with the right tools […]

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The benefits of learning new languages

duo lingo

How many of you speak a second language? How many of you are completely bilingual? Perhaps some of you readers speak three or more languages. I loved learning languages as a child, French was the most natural for me as we spent a significant amount of time there whilst I was growing up and that […]

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Milestone Myths: what should babies do when?

dealing with postnatal bleeding

From the moment we become parents we are met with comments from friends, family, professionals and random strangers regarding their views of our babies and their milestones. Little Johnny and Jemima should be smiling, sleeping through the night, rolling over, sitting up, eating solids, walking and talking by x weeks or months, otherwise it’s not […]

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Family Fun: On the Mersey

Mersey Ferry

As a family we are huge fans of Liverpool and the Wirral and we love the Mersey Ferry. It’s a great way to spend time as a family and a really exciting trip for the children. They love a trip on the ferry and the best thing is, it doesn’t matter whether it’s sunny or wet, it’s […]

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Camp Bestival: the benefits

Lazy Town Live

If you are a regular reader of the blog you will know that we spent a long weekend away at Camp Bestival at the end of July. Having had some time now to reflect, I wanted to try and get to the bottom of the benefits the children all gained from that four days. It’s […]

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