Parenting: the ridiculous moments

wearing a sun hat

Parenting can be a complicated gig at times. We know as parents the exhausting moments, the funny moments, the amazing precious moments, the proud moments and so on – but do you ever catch yourself doing something as a parent and think “how did it get to this?” Or, “what on earth am I doing?” […]

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Exploring Chirk Castle

Chirk Castle

We love exploring new places and the little boys especially love going on new adventures. When the big kids are busy, I try to find lots of adventures to keep the little ones occupied. They even ask now most days “are we going on an adventure?”. Sometimes the adventures are to new places and sometimes […]

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The last breastfeed

smash the cake

Remember, remember the 5th of  November 2015 – I will. I’m not sure if I ever gave much thought to the last breastfeed over nine years ago as I gave my first born her first feed. After all, that was only the start of the journey. I’ve spoken before about my views on breastfeeding and that […]

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