As mothers we often try and be everything to everyone all of the time: the perfect mother, the perfect wife or girlfriend, the perfect employee or businesswoman, the perfect friend, the perfect colleague, the perfect daughter, the perfect neighbour, and so on. How do you keep those plates spinning?
But what if…? A guide to managing difficult parenting situations
Parenting is hard work. We know that don’t we. In fact, be wary of any parent who won’t admit to that – they are lying! Yes of course it is ridiculously rewarding and heaps of fun too, but you can’t escape the brutality of it at times.
The problem with the modern day mummy
Motherhood is complex. Insanely rewarding, yet exceptionally hard work at the same time. It isn’t just the actual mothering that is complex though, it is the way we are perceived as mums as well. There is no longer a ‘typical mum’, or a simple definition of a mother. We are expected to be everything to […]
Dear Dubai…
Mummy and Daddy fell in love with you a long time ago Dubai. When we asked them why, they couldn’t give us just one answer. They clearly love you for so many reasons, rather like how they love each other really. They love your weather, your stunning beaches and warm sea, your spectacular architecture and […]
Family skiing with Crystal Ski
I will always be very grateful to my dad for making the decision when I was five to try a family skiing holiday. I still remember the look on his face when he bought his first mens skiing jacket. After a couple of dodgy experiences early on which put off my already nervous mum, I […]