Welcoming children into our lives is one of life’s many blessings, it is very important we ensure that our home is ready for any new arrivals. There are a number of ways you can protect your children in your home, the floor is one of the most important places to keep safe as it is […]
Ways to add a splash of colour to your home
Is your home looking a little drab? Perhaps it’s somewhat dated? Or maybe you’ve lived there for so long that you need a change of scenery! Whether it’s on a pair of pillows, the back of a bookshelf, the floor or the ceiling, a splash of unexpected colour transforms any space from boring to breath-taking. […]
Travelling without your children: Absolutely? It depends? Or, no way on earth?
Travelling and holidays, something so many of us love and perhaps live for to an extent, but when children come along holidays take on a slightly different approach. There is no ‘holiday’ from parenting is there, so really we end up doing lots of the same things somewhere else. Despite this, I actually love family […]
Dealing with a reluctant drinker
As a parent, one of the most stressful things can be a child who won’t eat, or drink or do either. We spend our time as parents trying to do the best for our children and one of those things is trying desperately hard to ensure they eat and drink well. When you’ve spent time […]
Raw motherhood: the moments you can’t prepare for and those that bring you to your knees
No one may ever recognise the sacrifices you have made, the things you have put yourself through but it shouldn’t matter because your children are the daily illustration that ALL of it mattered. That ALL of it was worth it, and that you would do it ALL again.
How to save money on your energy bills without hassle
The cost of energy in the home: is it worth switching provider? Energy bills. At one point this seemed to be just going up and up for us. I’ve played around switching providers in the past and whilst sometimes I was able to make some savings, the amount of time and effort it took me […]
Long-lasting make up
Are you a mum who rarely wears make up or someone who never leaves the house without it? I really admire mum’s who can quite happily go out without so much as waving a concealer wand over their faces. How do you all look that good? I’m not one of those mum’s. I never leave […]
Making Monsters with Bostik
The children all love to do craft. Each time I set up the table for craft and get the crafting boxes out there is some serious excitement. I wish I felt as excited come tidy up time, but you can’t win them all can you? If I ask the children what they want to make, […]