Summer doesn’t have to be an expensive affair when it comes to keeping your kids entertained. With these 10 low-cost summer toys, you can provide your children with endless hours of fun and excitement without straining your budget.
Toasting Marshmallows Around the Fire
One of the things we’ve loved doing this summer was toasting marshmallows around a fire. The little boys actually did this in forest school last academic year as well, which they thought was brilliant, but it’s also something we enjoy doing at home. It’s also a fun thing to do when their friends come over.
Family Fun: A day out at Diggerland Yorkshire
Mud, diggers, more mud and more diggers – what more could a child want? If you haven’t heard of Diggerland you must check it out. There are five locations across the UK.
Fun Activities to get the family outside this Autumn
During summertime, when the weather is scorching, it’s easy to persuade everyone to get out into the open air and soak up the sunshine – but when things begin to cool down a little bit, you might find that your family becomes a little more reluctant to venture outdoors. Which is a shame, as this is a time of year when the outdoors can be most inspiring, beautiful, and fun!