6 Budget-Friendly, Wet Weather Activities to do with the Kids

rainy-day activities with kids

When the rain starts pouring, and your plans for outdoor adventures with the kids are suddenly dashed, it can be challenging to keep the little ones entertained indoors. Don’t fret; rainy days provide the perfect opportunity for creative and budget-friendly indoor activities that will keep your kids engaged, learning, and having a blast. In this article, I will explore six fantastic wet weather activities that won’t break the bank and are sure to put smiles on your children’s faces.

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Using up left over Easter Eggs

Easter Eggs

The amount of Easter Eggs the children get each year is a little obscene. Each year I personally buy them less and less and they seem to end up with more and more. They love to hunt for eggs much more than they actually like eating them. Sound familiar to anyone? The big eggs that […]

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Making a mini beast habitat

mini beast habitat

After a good run around outside and a visit to a local playground today the children were keen to come in from the cold, have a few snacks and a compulsory hot chocolate and do some craft. We’ve found rather a lot of mini beasts in the garden this week so that was on their […]

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Homemade Valentine’s gifts

The children love to craft. Any opportunity to get the glue, paper, scissors, paints, and of course glitter out, they are there with bells on. They have great imaginations and enjoy creating their own masterpieces out of a few bits and bobs. Recently they have been using supplies from Bostik to create a few Valentine’s inspired […]

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School holiday activities: part six

Welcome to part six of our school holiday activities series. What have you been up to lately? We’ve been waiting for the sunshine and the hot summer days and nights to arrive and instead the heating has been on this week. We’ve battled the wind and the rain, donned the ski jackets and headed outside […]

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Make your own playdough

Half Term might be over but with the weather not exactly summer like yet and the big school summer holidays in sight, you might be looking for a few indoor activities to do with the children. We have been making playdough this week. It is good fun and an alternative to baking with the children […]

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