Talent that has Passed from Generation to Generation

I love seeing talent pass from one generation to another. When I see my children’s art work or listen to my daughter play guitar I am reminded of my dad. When I read my children’s creative writing pieces, I am reminded of my mum, and when I watch my little gymnasts I am reminded of the incredible gymnastic ability of my grandfather. What skills and talents do your family members have that you see in younger generations?

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Five minute fun: day three

blue sky

At home I am always trying to make the regular things in life or normal conversations into learning opportunities and fun activities. 5 minute fun really fits in with my approach to parenting so I’ve decided to take their 7 day challenge with the children and will be sharing the activities we try. So – what […]

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Developing through play

the park

I often think that parents underestimate the opportunities that can come from something as simple as going to the park. I love watching how the children develop and change over time with regards to what they are capable of. It’s amazing to see how one week they will need to hold your hand on something […]

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