What’s new from the Teletubbies?

teletubby toys

Are your children fans of the Teletubbies? Then listen up because there are some new super cute toys that have joined the Teletubby gang. Great for little hands are the perfectly sized Twist N Chime figures. Made from brightly coloured, chunky plastic these adorable Teletubbies Twist ‘N’ Chime figures are sure to entertain. Little ones […]

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Get giggling with the Tiddlytubbies

tiddlytubbies toys

Are your little ones fans of the Tellytubbies? If so they will love the Tiddlytubbies no doubt, basically tiny cute versions of the Tellytubbies. I don’t remember my eldest two children really being bothered by Teletubbies when they were little, but the two little boys are quite mesmerised by them. 2017 is the 20th anniversary […]

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