5 Great ways to congratulate and support your friend who is expecting

Congratulations! Your friend just announced that they are pregnant. You’re not the only one who can’t wait to meet this little person, and you know how excited your friend is about the new adventure ahead of them. The next few months will be a whirlwind for sure, but it’s important to celebrate with your friend in all the ways possible before they become a parent. This blog post will discuss five great ways to congratulate and support your newly expecting friends.

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The truth about ‘back to back’ birth

having babies

If you’ve been told your baby is back to back don’t panic. There is lots of time for the baby to turn before labour and if they don’t you can still do it. There were a few concerned looking faces during my last two births but I was so determined to get my babies out without forceps that eventually started to shift them in the right direction. Good luck and trust your body! It will all be worth it.

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Women’s health over 40: the role of supplements

If you are a regular reader of the blog, you may recall that I turned 40 last September. At the time I shared 40 life lessons for 40 years. For me, 40 was this age that I always anticipated having an issue with. I always thought when it came I’d hate it and that I’d be doing everything to pretend it wasn’t happening. The reality was quite different!

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