School fears

For lots of children school is a wonderful experience. A place where they have fun, make friends and learn all sorts of things. For some children this is not the case. For some, school can be a scary place that makes them feel intimidated and uncertain. Anxiety around school can often arise when there is […]

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Top 3 Family Cars

With car leasing in the UK becoming more and more popular, now is a great time to think about getting rid of your old car, and driving away in a better family-friendly one. When looking for a car that will benefit the whole family, you’ll want one that is spacious and has some great safety features, […]

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Ready, steady, run

Running is not for everyone. Those that do run are normally better at either sprinting or long distance running. The really annoying clever ones (like my daughter) are good at both. I  was never a sprinter at school. All my close friends were but I was the one who was always entered for the 800m […]

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