The system

Having four children means I have a strict system for…well…pretty much everything. I don’t mean that I am a strict parent, just that I feel I have to be organised and have particular ways of doing things. Some people with only one child operate like this, so my view is I should be forgiven for […]

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Spring cleaning tips

I love it when everything is clean, there is just something about the smell and look. It doesn’t last very long though with 4 children around…a few minutes perhaps but it is nice while it lasts. I love Milton products and use these a lot because I trust them and associate them with safe cleaning. […]

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Encouraging independent readers

Supporting your children’s reading has to be one of the most important jobs of a parent in my book. It is so lovely to watch them develop an interest in books and reading and the wonderful stories we have the privilege to read. A keen interest in books and reading can do wonders for building the imagination […]

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Relaxing family evenings

Do you enjoy a good chillax? We love family movie nights and relaxing together. The big kids love to get the popcorn out and we have hot chocolate and marshmallows or they use their slushie cups to create their favourite slushies. I hope that as the little ones get older we will all enjoy many […]

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