Pre and post-motherhood: the differences

buying for baby

Memory Pre-Motherhood: I could walk from one room to another and know exactly why I was there. I put things where they belonged and I made complete sentences. My brain cells worked as a team. Memory Post-Motherhood: I walk into a room with a purpose and immediately forget what it is upon arrival. I put […]

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The benefits of construction play

the benefits of construction play

Construction toys in my view are a must for any home, playroom, or child-focused setting. Children learn faster during their early years than they ever will again – you only have to think about all the developments that go on from the day they are born until their first birthdays to realise that. During their […]

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Pretend play in the toddler years

pretend play

Sometimes as parents we might look at our children’s toys and think they are just part of their leisure time, but it’s so important to remember that playing is how children learn in the early years. Therefore, the toys they have can be quite important and influential. I love to watch (hiding so they can’t […]

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