Travelling with children: part two

Welcome to part two in our series of articles about travelling with children. If you missed part one you can read it here. In part one of this series, I said that I know some people can’t contemplate travelling very far with children, for a range of reasons, but I have always prefered to have a […]

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Travelling with children: part one

With the summer months in sight we have a new series of articles coming up, looking at travelling with children. I know some people can’t contemplate travelling very far with children, for a range of reasons, but I have always prefered to have a go or at least take the time to see what’s possible. […]

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Bathtime rituals

Bathtime is one of my favourite parts of the day. All the children in one room at the same time and all loving the water. It doesn’t matter if they are in the bath or the shower, they just love the chance to play and splash about together. You might have read our articles recently […]

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Four ways to update your child’s bedroom

As your children grow and mature they will naturally outgrow their bedroom. Your child’s bedroom is a space to call their own so it’s essential that the space reflects both their personality and their age. However, this can be tough on a parent: emotionally, and more importantly, financially. Consequently, it’s helpful to stick to designs […]

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Dealing with hay fever

My experience with hay fever began when I was around 15. I don’t recall being affected before then. I went from completely unaffected one year to miserable the year after. My hay fever has always been at the start of the season. So normally I would only really suffer during April, May and early June. […]

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Family Fun with Peppa Pig

You might have seen a recent article I wrote on ‘parental rip offs‘ , where I discussed my frustration at the overly inflated prices charged for foil balloons and plastic toys at theatre performances for children. Whilst this is a real pet hate of mine, the theatre itself is something I have always enjoyed, and […]

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Spring and summer trends for little people

Do you have a favourite brand of clothing for your children? I’m not really talking about the everyday stuff, but more your go-to label if you are looking for a few new things for ‘best’ or a ‘special occassion’? Years ago, I fell in love with Petit Bateau. I think it was the comfy, soft […]

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Big brother, little brother

I always thought that if I had ever had twins I wouldn’t dress them the same. I know some people like that and that’s fine, but I always thought that I would maybe go for the same outfit, but a different colour to add some individuality. However, I do find the idea of matching or […]

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