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323 results found.
I’ve been skiing since I was five years old, that’s a long time! Despite my love of horses from a young age, skiing is my ultimate passion, obsession perhaps, and I regularly dream of the white stuff. I never expected to lose this passion when I became a mother, but I do have to admit […]
If people ask me what sort of pregnancies I had, I say good. I was lucky. Bar the odd trip to the hospital to check tricky baby heart beats, and a fall that meant everything needed checking, I felt lucky. Very lucky. I had long and difficult labours, but still, I have always felt lucky. […]
I have mentioned a few times on the blog my passion for skiing. I really do think it is an amazing way to spend time together as a family, if only we lived in the mountains! The bulk of my skiing over the years has been in the French Alps, although I did ski in […]
Life BC, do you remember it? I hear lots of parents talking about how different life was before children, all the things they used to do and how it’s not the same anymore. That’s kind of the point though isn’t it? At some point as parents we all made a decision to change our lives […]
Pressure on students to succeed is higher than ever, with fierce competition for university and school places. The hype means that exams and results days can present a mix of emotions – joy, regret, stress or euphoria. Of course this isn’t just limited to the children! However, it’s important to support your child in the […]
Having a wardrobe clear out can be so therapeutic as an adult. I find it helps me to feel focused and more organised. It doesn’t have to be about out with the old and in with the new though, just de-cluttering can be great, without necessarily replacing things. So many people only wear a handful […]
Work-life balance – one of those phrases we hear a lot these days. Companies use this to try an entice people to work for them, employers use the phrase to get that stamp of approval from Investors in People, and so many of us search for it. How much do you think about the ways […]
Are you using the 30-hour childcare scheme? Are you benefiting from it in the ways you expected to? New research launched recently by Yoopies, one of Europe’s biggest online care platforms, reveals the true effect that the government’s 30 hours free childcare scheme has had on hourly childcare costs. Whilst the scheme has been purse-friendly […]