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As the name suggests Molluscum Contagiosum is a highly contagious viral skin infection, commonly known as water warts.
Molluscum Contagiosum occurs most frequently in children and is spread from person to person by touching the affected skin or a surface with the virus on it.
Life with the four of you Pre-Covid was hectic. Non-stop and hectic. I mean four children was always going to be hectic. We were always in a rush. Rushing to school, to swimming, to guitar lessons, to netball, to basketball, to theatre classes, to gymnastics, to galas and to shows and performances. Then it all stopped!
Right now we are living in unprecedented times, as a global pandemic continues to sweep across the world. It’s fair to say that 2020 has not gone to plan for most people. Nationwide lockdowns and a ban on all non-essential travel meant that thousands of sporting events, festivals, weddings and holidays were cancelled across the world, leaving lots of very disappointed individuals.
We know that we need to be mindful about being thorough with our disinfecting at home and that in public places cleaning regimes have been significantly upped to try to combat the virus, including things like fogging in schools and workplaces. What about our clothing? We wash our hands but what about the clothes we are wearing?
The clocks have changed now and it’s so dark so early, this morning we had our first frost of Autumn and I had to start the car 20 minutes before we left for school just to get it warmed up in time. All of this calls for a little Autumn beauty and well-being boost.
If you’ve been told your baby is back to back don’t panic. There is lots of time for the baby to turn before labour and if they don’t you can still do it. There were a few concerned looking faces during my last two births but I was so determined to get my babies out without forceps that eventually started to shift them in the right direction. Good luck and trust your body! It will all be worth it.
So how is back to school going for you all with this new normal? It certainly feels quite different this year doesn’t it?
When it comes to creating memories and having a break from all of the homeschooling, you can’t really beat a family holiday. They’re fun, normally more relaxing than the day-to-day at home, and ultimately the perfect occasion for you and your family to create lasting memories.