4 Non-Invasive Back Pain Treatments

Technology for treating and even overcoming back pain is improving every day. Most of the latest tech advances have been in the realm of surgery and robotics, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t get new, innovative, and non-invasive back pain treatments. Many people want to avoid surgery due to the costs, risks, and recovery time. Fortunately, there are plenty of options out there, with new methodologies coming to light all of the time. So, in today’s post, we are going to look at 4 of the latest non-invasive back pain treatments!

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CBD: Is It Legal in the UK?

CBD is derived from the leaves and stalk of the cannabis plant which has led many to wonder whether it’s safe and legal to consume. While CBD is a compound of the Cannabis sativa L. plant, it’s non-psychoactive. But what does that mean? Is consuming CBD legal in the UK? In this blog, we’ll break down what CBD is, the legalities surrounding it and how to get started integrating CBD into your routine.

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The problem with BMI calculators

Do you know your BMI? Do you care? Whilst I absolutely agree that being healthy and fit is important, and, whilst these things are personally important to me, I honestly think that it can be really dangerous to solely focus on either the scale or what your BMI is.

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