When I had my first baby, I quickly discovered that everyone has an opinion on how to raise children. From well-meaning friends and family to health visitors and online forums, there’s no shortage of parenting advice for new parents in the UK. Add to that the stack of books and leaflets I’d collected, and I felt overwhelmed. But if there’s one thing I’ve learned on my motherhood journey, it’s this: it’s your baby, and it’s your choice how you nurture and care for them.
My Experience with Induction: What to Expect and How to Prepare
Induction of labour can be an intense and unpredictable experience, especially when your baby is overdue. After going through induction twice, I learned first-hand the challenges and surprises it brings—from long waits to sudden rapid progress. In this article, I share my personal induction journey, what to expect, and tips to help you feel prepared. Whether you’re facing induction for the first time or seeking reassurance, this guide will help you navigate the process with confidence.
Why Mums Need to Prioritise Their Health
Being a mum is an incredibly rewarding experience, but it often comes with a host of challenges and responsibilities that can make it difficult to focus on personal health and well-being. However, prioritising health is essential not only for the wellbeing of mums but also for their families. Here’s why mums need to make their health a top priority and some tips on how to do it effectively.
A Memorable Mother’s Day – 6 Inexpensive Ways To Make Most Of The Day
When it comes to planning something special, children have different ways of expressing their gratitude. However, some of the most common practices of the day are surprising your mum with some beautiful Mother’s Day cards, gifts, flowers, chocolates and so on. While these Mother’s Day cards and gifts are delightful, what makes the day more special is a sincere gesture of gratitude for everything mums do.
Guest Article: 5 water sports for mums
In this guest article these water sports or disciplines are not just for swimming, but for having some fun while trying to stay fit and healthy. So, prepare your swimsuit!
The Mummy Fever Guide to the Best Large Family Cars: The Mitsubishi Outlander
Thinking back to when we expanded our family to a family of six, we were on the look out for a bigger car! We obviously needed a seat for everyone but also needed space for a pushchair and all the other paraphernalia that comes with having four children…including a guitar played by our eldest.
Here’s part one of our hunt for a suitable family car, the Mitsubishi Outlander.
Perceptions are strange things
Perceptions I find, can be strange things.
We are all guilty no doubt of having a perception of someone that turned out to be so inaccurate you feel embarrassed and a little stupid for missing the reality.
What’s your idea of a blissful bathtime?
Bathtimes can be a bit of a luxury for busy mummies. I do love a good bath. It’s a great way to relax. I always end up having to have a bath really late though, otherwise I get a ton of little visitors wanting to either join me, chat or sit on the toilet for […]