Trick or treat?

Are you all ready for Halloween?  What sorts of things do you give out to trick or treaters who call around? As much as I don’t mind children having a few treats, I am conscious about what goes into their systems, so I love finding out about alternatives that make me feel better about what […]

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The world is your oyster

Did anyone ever say this to you as a child? I know I remember hearing this phrase a few times. I definitely took it to mean that I could do anything I wanted to but specifically I remember thinking about this in relation to travel. I love to travel and have always had that bug […]

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What’s in your first aid kit?

What do you have in your family’s first aid kit? Do you have a separate one for the children? What are your family must have products, those things you just couldn’t do without? Are there many products in your first aid kit you can use on all the family? I tend to have a ‘grown […]

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The school yard

There is a lot to be learnt from watching what happens on the school yard. Of course you can observe different teaching styles and different behaviour of children, but have you ever stood back and observed the other adults? I say adults and not mums very deliberately, as although it is largely mums at our […]

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