In our modern world, where stress seems to be an inevitable part of daily life, the significance of the mind-body connection in achieving optimal health and wellness cannot be overstated. Beyond the confines of conventional medicine, there lies a clear relationship between our mental and physical selves—a relationship that holds the key to unlocking the full potential of our wellbeing. So, let’s embark on a journey to explore the transformative power of the mind-body connection and discover how it influences every aspect of our lives.
The benefits of effervescent vitamins
Are you a fan of effervescent vitamins? Not sure what I’m even talking about? I’m talking about the vitamins that come in a tube. You pop one in a glass of water and watch the fizz and then just drink it down when it has fully dissolved.
Vitamins with a social conscience: Helping to feed those in need
Fight Vitamins are aiming to improve the health of nation, as well as help to feed the nation via their charity partner Fare Share. For every bottle bought, a meal is donated to a vulnerable person.
Boosting immunity in the COVID-19 era
Whilst lots of people were buying loo roll and pasta, I was thinking over and over about all the ways I have been trying for years to boost our immunity. I was reading and researching and checking and making sure I had stocks of all the bits and bobs I thought would help – not stockpiling, just making sure we had enough.
All-year-round immunity boost for families
I’ve been giving my family Sambucol through the Winter months for a couple of years now. It is great for boosting the immune system and helping to fight off those Winter bugs. Their new gummies make it even easier to include all year around.
Easy daily vitamin ‘insurance’: VitaGummies
Modern life is busy. We are all constantly rushing around from place to place, trying to achieve often, an unrealistic amount of ‘stuff’ each day. Here’s a way of getting some added ‘insurance’.
No dull days: the importance of vitamin D
What’s that phrase? Never a dull moment? When you become a parent that really starts to ring true. There is always something going on, you are always on the go, dashing around, busy busy. Then when your children get a bit older and start to get involved in activities and develop their own interests, all […]
Coping with anaemia in children
If you suspect your child has anaemia, get a proper diagnosis from a doctor before you begin treatment. Anaemia can be temporary or chronic, mild or life-threatening. It has many causes, and treatment depends on cause.