Are there words and phrases you use as a parent, that perhaps weren’t used by your own parents?
Skiing with children: the kit list
Packing for a holiday when you have a large family can be a bit like a military operation. Packing for a skiing trip with a large family is something else altogether.
Surviving the return to work after maternity leave
There are a ton of issues faced by mothers when they return to work after maternity leave. Some of them, are familiar to many women, others will be very personal to your own situation.
Reasons mums hate the telephone
When you are a mum, speaking on the telephone is not the easiest thing, certainly not whilst the children are awake that is. You can message and email whilst doing things with children, but I find it almost impossible to talk to anyone on the phone during this time… I hope I’m not the only […]
Life BC (before children) what’s changed?
Life BC, do you remember it? I hear lots of parents talking about how different life was before children, all the things they used to do and how it’s not the same anymore. That’s kind of the point though isn’t it? At some point as parents we all made a decision to change our lives […]
Driving with a newborn: some of the do’s and don’ts
When you’ve had a baby you can’t leave hospital without a child car seat. Obviously I think that is vital BUT the part I’ve never got is that whilst staff watch you leave with your baby in the baby car seat, at no point does anyone check you’ve fitted it in the car correctly! I […]
Top Five Ways To Help Your Children Cope With Stress
Pressure on students to succeed is higher than ever, with fierce competition for university and school places. The hype means that exams and results days can present a mix of emotions – joy, regret, stress or euphoria. Of course this isn’t just limited to the children! However, it’s important to support your child in the […]
Does work-life balance exist for parents?
Work-life balance – one of those phrases we hear a lot these days. Companies use this to try an entice people to work for them, employers use the phrase to get that stamp of approval from Investors in People, and so many of us search for it. How much do you think about the ways […]