Sleep training: does it work?

Sleep training is the process of teaching your baby/toddler/child to sleep through the night. To go to sleep without difficulty, to settle themselves if they do wake in the night and to wake at a ‘reasonable’ hour. If you are a parent of a child or children who do not sleep well this will sound like […]

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Fun Family Time: Octonauts Live

We love the theatre it is a great way to spend quality time as a family. There are some great live children’s shows around and Octonauts Live is no exception. All the key characters are part of the live show which is now on the stage for the first time. All episodes of Octonauts are action packed […]

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How things change…

Before you have children, your life is awash with fulfilling great expectations. Far-flung trips, promotion at work and designer shoes or handbags and a nice lip gloss or posh face cream all tick the happiness box. Post-reproduction, we mums get our kicks from the small things in life…such as: Someone, anyone, cooks you dinner. Even if […]

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Top Ten UK Attractions

Where do you like to go for a special day out with the family? What are your favourite places to go?  We have some really super attractions in the UK. I’ve said before that my favourite places are those where there is something for everyone. We have come across a helpful guide for parents to […]

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Rainy weekend tips with little ones

The rain….I hate it. I absolutely, positively hate it! I love the snow and frost and the sun but I hate those days when you can’t do anything without getting cold and wet. As we have so much rain in the UK, at least that’s what it feels like, it can be hard to constantly think of rainy […]

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