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323 results found.
As parents we should be constantly helping our children to become resilient. Building resilience in childhood helps children navigate the obstacles they encounter as they grow. We can’t take away all the pain and stress but we can teach children how to deal with this and use it to build resilence.
Everyone could do with some positive messages at the moment I think. It can get very difficult for so many people when lots of things seem a bit hopeless.
One of the things I keep playing through my head is the number of times I’ve said that I wish I had more time for X, Y or Z. I’ve had a list as long as my arm of things I wanted to get done at home, in the garden and so on – what’s that saying? Be careful what you wish for!
BC (before Coronavirus) I did 95% of my shopping online, including the weekly food shop. At the point we learnt that schools were closing I was unable to get a delivery slot with my usual supermarket. I have since been trying all the supermarkets who deliver in our area and still haven’t managed to get a delivery slot, so it’s been easier for one of us to head to the shops in the evening every 10 days or so.
We’ve collected tons of board games over the years. We always take a couple when we go away, but generally speaking ‘real life’ is so manic that there is rarely any time to just sit down and play a game.
If your children love spending time outdoors, try out these fun outdoor activities together, including chalking, sketching and more.
During this difficult time we would like to support people around the UK and encourage them to be responsible and stay at home.
Whilst working from home with four children here is a challenge, there are currently no school runs and no club runs, so there is much less running around than a normal week. This means lounge wear is perfectly reasonable!