When you are a mum, speaking on the telephone is not the easiest thing, certainly not whilst the children are awake that is. You can message and email whilst doing things with children, but I find it almost impossible to talk to anyone on the phone during this time… I hope I’m not the only […]
Life BC (before children) what’s changed?
Life BC, do you remember it? I hear lots of parents talking about how different life was before children, all the things they used to do and how it’s not the same anymore. That’s kind of the point though isn’t it? At some point as parents we all made a decision to change our lives […]
Top 20 parental stress triggers
As amazing as being a parent can be, we know that parenting can also be incredibly stressful at times. Are there particular situations you find yourself in as a parent that you experience as especially stressful? Do you know what your stress triggers are? Have they changed over time? Getting children to bed, doing the […]
These are the top 10 concerns for parents when their child starts school
In some areas the new school term has already begun, in others, term starts this week. Have you got a little one starting school for the first time? How do you feel? Are they excited or anxious or a bit of both? Seven in 10 parents worry their child won’t make friends when starting school, […]
Are your everyday tasks taking you longer with children?
Do you ever find your normal day-to-day tasks taking longer, much longer, now you have children? All the time right? Even simple things like just getting in the car can take so much longer with children in tow. Having children means everyday tasks take up to TWICE as long, a study by Deichmann Shoes has found. A […]
Pre and post-motherhood: the differences
Memory Pre-Motherhood: I could walk from one room to another and know exactly why I was there. I put things where they belonged and I made complete sentences. My brain cells worked as a team. Memory Post-Motherhood: I walk into a room with a purpose and immediately forget what it is upon arrival. I put […]
Learning through play with Aquadoodle
Play is such an important part of children’s early years development. Play helps children’s brains to develop, it improves the fine and gross motor skills, and helps them to develop their language and communication skills. Social skills are also developed through playing with other children, and problem-solving skills are developed both in solo play and […]
BING LIVE ON STAGE: Is he coming to a venue near you?
Do you have a ‘Bingster’ in your midst?! Do your little ones love watching Bing? Bing and his friends are going on tour in the first ever Bing stage show! Kicking off in St Albans at the Alban Arena, Bing Live will visit 50 venues over 25 weeks from 20th June 2018. My two youngest […]