I’ve said before that one of our favourite things to do when in Florida is take a ride on an airboat. It’s such an amazing experience, it really stuck in our memory from our last trip to Florida, so we were keen to try it again. This time we went on a couple of different airboats, one […]
Things to do in Orlando with a family: Kennedy Space Centre
“That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind”. Neil Armstrong There is something about space travel which I find completely fascinating. I still can’t really process how the whole thing is really possible and I just find everything about it impressive and inspiring. This summer we visited Kennedy Space Centre as a […]
Things to do in Orlando with a family: Spirit of the Swamp
One of our favourite things to do when in Florida is take a ride on an airboat. It’s such an amazing experience, it really stuck in our memory from our last trip to Florida, so we were keen to try it again. We booked on with Spirit of the Swamp, our captain for the trip […]
5 fab products for an eco-friendly family
Sustainable shopping seems to be on the rise — a report by Unilever shows that a third of consumers worldwide are now choosing to buy from brands they think are environmentally ethical – but when you’ve got a busy family and work life, you need to ensure that sourcing green products is as convenient as […]
The benefits of construction play
Construction toys in my view are a must for any home, playroom, or child-focused setting. Children learn faster during their early years than they ever will again – you only have to think about all the developments that go on from the day they are born until their first birthdays to realise that. During their […]
Things to do in Orlando with a family: Medieval Times Dinner Show
Orlando is rammed with places to eat. You can pretty much find any type of food in all the restaurants there, and you don’t have to move very far to find something. You certainly won’t be searching for somewhere to eat – more like trying to decide where to try next! If you have space […]
Travel check list: what do you need to think about?
Are you planning a trip? Some time away as a family perhaps? Planning a family holiday can be really exciting but before you get carried away planning all your excursions and everything you want to see and do whilst you are away – make sure you’ve considered any bigger issues that may apply to your […]
Things to do in the Albert Dock this summer
We love spending time in Liverpool and the Albert Dock in particular. Every year they seem to add more and more, making it a lovely place to spend a few hours as a family. If you are coming from further a field though, don’t worry as you could always spend the night at the Premier […]