Busting 4 myths about being a mother

sweaty mamas

Females are often hardwired to nurture, give advice, and at times judge. We are all human at the end of the day and we each have our flaws, and our preferred ways of doing things, but sometimes the advice we get, or maybe a comment we have overheard really gets to us. There is no […]

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School run clothing: keeping it easy

school run

The school run is one of those times you see all sorts of sights. From people in their pyjamas and slippers, to those in full make up and designer clothing. There really is a huge spectrum of clothing. Where do you sit on the spectrum? What’s your approach? There are lots of parents who don’t […]

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Having it all

raw motherhood

I’ve read quite a few articles lately about women having it all and if I’m honest they have me a little ruffled. These articles relate to the ability of women these days to be able to have a career, have a family, have time to themselves and time with friends. All the articles I’ve read […]

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