Sick ends up being one of the signature scents of parents for a period of the parenting journey at least. Often of course combined in a wonderful concoction with a range of other baby and child related smells. It’s kind of just how it goes and part of the ride, but any parent will tell […]
Child mental health: are you asking your children about it?
As parents we often ask our children “how was your day?” – whether we get a response or not, well that is something entirely different altogether. Are we asking the right questions of our children?
Parenting: the ridiculous moments
Parenting can be a complicated gig at times. We know as parents the exhausting moments, the funny moments, the amazing precious moments, the proud moments and so on – but do you ever catch yourself doing something as a parent and think “how did it get to this?” Or, “what on earth am I doing?” […]
Travelling without your children: Absolutely? It depends? Or, no way on earth?
Travelling and holidays, something so many of us love and perhaps live for to an extent, but when children come along holidays take on a slightly different approach. There is no ‘holiday’ from parenting is there, so really we end up doing lots of the same things somewhere else. Despite this, I actually love family […]
Raw motherhood: the moments you can’t prepare for and those that bring you to your knees
No one may ever recognise the sacrifices you have made, the things you have put yourself through but it shouldn’t matter because your children are the daily illustration that ALL of it mattered. That ALL of it was worth it, and that you would do it ALL again.
Sleep training your baby: have you tried it?
Sleep. It’s a naughty word in our house to be honest. Mainly because in the last 11 years I’ve not had that much of it. To say I get irritated when other parents gloat about their babies and children who have been sleeping through since they left the womb would be an understatement. We’ve always […]
‘Baby food’ for bigger kids
Feeding children can either be utterly satisfying or completely soul destroying. There is nothing more lovely than preparing a meal from scratch and watching your family devour it before your eyes. It’s one of those moments that makes you feel as if you are winning at parenting. You’ve cooked a nutritious meal with delicious, healthy […]
Coping with anaemia in children
If you suspect your child has anaemia, get a proper diagnosis from a doctor before you begin treatment. Anaemia can be temporary or chronic, mild or life-threatening. It has many causes, and treatment depends on cause.